Yes, that is correct. I currently have two of the “classic” covers up for auction with the amazing COMICLINK auction site! The cover from issue #4 and the painted cover from issue #9 are up for auction right now and here is the link for #4…

and here’s the link for #9…

Go check ’em out! I only have 2 or 3 (maybe) original covers left from my run on The 3 Geeks and Geeksville left in the flat files.
I am now completely finished with all the artwork and coloring on my upcoming graphic novel, F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE! I have 86 pages lettered as of my writing this finished with about 80 more to go!!! Woo-HOO!!! So, I am well ahead of my schedule and the book is slated for a November 25, 2025 release date. here’s a sneak peek at one of the lettered pages…

Happy New Year to all!