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FS: RAGE! Update & Stuff!

Hell, yes! I am now finished with the pencils and inks on 144 pages of 178 on my upcoming graphic novel, F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE! I also have the official release date from Top Shelf now–November 18th, 2025. “2025?!?!” You ask… Yes. These days publishers need to schedule big releases far far out! So the distributors … Read more

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Stella is off to LONDON!

Hello True Believers! Welp, my daughter, Stella, has graduated from the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design with a Double Major in Illustration and Fine Art. In her four years there she learned that she also really enjoyed the art history classes and started pursuing Internships here at museums in the Milwaukee area. She has … Read more

New book’s a cookin’!!!

Now that my teaching duties (yes, I am a Professor! It nearly gave my mom a heart attack when she heard!) are done until Fall semester, I am really cooking on my upcoming graphic novel. These days, marketing/selling/soliciting a book is much more of an extensive process than when I was starting out 30 years … Read more

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F.A.R.M. SYSTEM report!

Hey-oooo!!! Just reporting in on my progress on the FS sequel. I am now at 121 pages fully penciled and inked. I have about 45 left and then it’s onto the coloring and lettering. It’s a big job! I am on schedule, though. The entire book will be finished by this summer. Then it’s all … Read more



WOO-HOO…!!! I have recently unearthed several full boxes of my THE 3 GEEKS comics, in my storage facility (my parent’s basement) that I had completely forgotten were there–many of the boxes since 1997!!! Some of these issues I thought were SOLD OUT years ago! So, here’s the deal… Imma blow ’em out! That’s hip lingo … Read more

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F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE update!

Hello! It has been awhile since I’ve posted. Been busy busy busy with my duties as a Professor down at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (that’s right, a PROFESSOR! My mother never thought it’d be possible!), and then the holidays. BUT, the great news is that in the last 3 weeks I have … Read more



Hello and Happy Halloween! I am glad to announce that my Kickstarter campaign for my new Illustrated novel, MERCY, has just launched! Mercy is a 244 page Illustrated Horror Novel with 71 illustrations peppered throughout. It’s a 30 day Kickstarter with a goal of reaching $6,666 (see what I did there?) to cover the printing … Read more

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Yes, it’s true! After all these years (decades!) I am finally selling my first born! No, sillies, not my first HUMAN born baby…that would be ridiculous (and illegal)! I am selling my first born, first cover, to the very first issue of THE 3 GEEKS comic I gave birth to back in 1996. This is … Read more

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F.A.R.M. System Book 2!

Hola! It has been some time since I’ve posted any updates on cons, art, myself and my upcoming projects. The good news is that all of the above have been busy motoring along!!! I’ve attended several cons in the past few months, including the SPX this past weekend, and all of them have been terrific! … Read more

Comic Book Convention Schedule 2023

Ahhh…Spring is in the air with Summer quickly closing in. My role as Professor of Illustration at the prestigious Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) has just ended until school resumes in Fall. “What?” you ask…”You are a professor of Illustration, Rich?” Yes, yes I am! I also teach an elective course in Sequential … Read more