Now that my teaching duties (yes, I am a Professor! It nearly gave my mom a heart attack when she heard!) are done until Fall semester, I am really cooking on my upcoming graphic novel. These days, marketing/selling/soliciting a book is much more of an extensive process than when I was starting out 30 years back. Those were simpler times. Sigh…
Anywho, books are planned out YEARS in advance now! There’s this nifty (sometimes annoying) little thing called a “publishing schedule.” So, even though my book will be physically ready by this August, it won’t hit the stores until November 18th of 2025.
No, not 2024.
The wait is killing me! But, it is what it is. And the positive part is that everything will be done with absolute certainty. Every decision, every letter on every page, the printer will have plenty of time, etc etc. No rushing and possibly making a mistake.
As a result I find that the artwork on F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE is looking better than Book 1. I’m really taking my time crafting these pages. The coloring as well. I am extremely pleased with the way the book’s looking. And here’s a little Sneak Peek…